Do Drawings Still Dream of Architecture? *

Antonio Sant’ Elia - 1914, Città Nuova

Archigram, Michael Webb - 1958, Furniture Manufactures Association Headquarters

Auguste Perret - 1930, Rosental Competition for the Porte Mailliot, Paris

Sandro Botticelli -  1489-90 , L'Annunciazione di Cestello (frag, 150cm x 156cm), Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze.

Chernikhov - Architectural Fantasies, Harmony of Colours Factory, 1927

Claude-Nicholas Ledoux - 1790, Coupe d'oeil du Théâtre de Besançon

Gustav Doré - The Cofussion of Tongues, Doré Gallery, Edmund Ollier, Cassel & Company, 1885

Erich Mendelsohn - 1920, Einstein-Turm, Observatorium (prel), Potsdam, Deutschland

Erich Mendelsohn - 1920, Tour d' Einstein, Postdam, Deutschland

Etienne-Louis Boulée - 1784, Cénotaphe de Newton, France

Etienne-Louis Boulée - 1784, Cénotaphe, Monument à Newton, interieur, France

Francesco Borromini - 1642, San Ivo alla Sapienza (cúpula), Roma

Francesco Borromini - 1642, San Ivo alla Sapienza (planta), Roma

Frank Lloyd Wright - 1935-37, Fallingwater, Edgar J. Kaufmann house (persp), Bear Run, Pennsylvania. FLWF 3602.004

Frank Lloyd Wright - 1935-37, Fallingwater, Edgar J. Kaufmann house, Bear Run (main b det), Pennsylvania

Giovanni Battista Piranesi - 1770?, Tiboli (Tibur), det_2

 Hugh Ferris - Metropolis of Tomorrow, Skyscrapers Spaning Streets, 1929

Hugh Ferris - Metropolis of Tomorrow, The Business Centre, 1929

Le Corbusier - 1929, cuatro tipos de composicion: La Roche 1923, Garches, 1927, Weissenhof 1927, Poissy 1929

Michelangelo - 1558-1560, San Pedro (cruz), Vaticano

Paolo Soleri - 1961, Mesa City plan

Pouchulu - 2002, World Trade Center. P0202.001 (prel)

Richard Neutra - 1923, Diatom prefabricated House (persp)

Walter Gropius - 1925, Bauhaus (preliminar), para Weimar

Wien, plan 1856

*Do Drawings Still Dream of Architecture?

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